a |
Auckland is the main Airport in New Zealand and most Consolidations will be consigned to Auckland (AKL), with freight travelling beyond being transhipped. At the instruction of our Christchurch office some South Island shipments may be requested to be consigned to Christchurch (CHC) Direct |
Freight |
1 |
Consign Auckland Master Waybills as follows: |
Pengelly's |
29 Mahunga Drive, Mangere Bridge, Auckland |
New Zealand |
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Pre-Alert: AIR: airimport@pengellys.co.nz please provide master bill, manifests, housebills and commercial invoices |
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Pre-Alert: seaimport@pengellys.co.nz please provide masterbill, housebills, freight invoice / profit-share credit-note, commercial invoice, quarantine declaration (FCL), fumigation certificate (if applicable) packing list (if available)
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Consign Wellington Master Airwaybills as follows: |
Pengelly's |
108 Tirangi Road Rongotai |
Wellington, New Zealand |
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Pre-Alert: AIR: airimport@pengellys.co.nz please provide master bill, manifests, housebills and commercial invoices |
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Pre-Alert: SEA seaimport@pengellys.co.nz please provide masterbill, housebills, freight invoice / profit-share credit-note, commercial invoice, quarantine declaration (FCL), fumigation certificate (if applicable) packing list (if available) |
Airfreight |
1 |
Consign Christchurch Master Waybills as follows |
Pengelly's |
589 Halswell Junction Road, Hornby |
Christchurch, New Zealand |
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Pre-Alert: AIR: chcimports@pengellys.co.nz please provide master bill, manifests, housebills and commercial invoices |
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Pre-Alert:SEA: chcimports@pengellys.co.nz please provide masterbill, housebills, freight invoice / profit-share credit-note, commercial invoice, quarantine declaration (FCL), fumigation certificate (if applicable) packing list (if available) |
Warren Pengelly |
Director |
+64 9 555 8504 |
warren.pengelly@pengellys.co.nz |
Trevor Pengelly |
Director |
+64 9 555 8502 |
trevor.pengelly@pengellys.co.nz |
Ken Blakie |
Financial Controller |
+64 9 555 8510 |
ken.blakie@pengellys.co.nz |
David Lewis |
Auckland Manager |
+64 9 555 8520 |
david.lewis@pengellys.co.nz |
Phillip Brake |
Auckland Sales Manager |
+64 9 555 8565 |
phillip.brake@pengellys.co.nz |
Order Tracking |
service@pengellys.co.nz |
Graham Hodson |
Wellington Manager |
+64 4 550 3001 |
graham.hodson@pengellys.co.nz |
Mark Hamilton |
Christchurch Manager |
+64 3 550 2501 |
mark.hamilton@pengellys.co.nz |